January 01, 2017

Makeup Tutorial Video - 市松人形 (Ichimatsu Doll)

Hi everyone!
Today is January, 1st 2017!
Oh my god, time flies so fast! First of all, i just want to say Happy New Year for you guys.
May this year will bring you fortune, new hope, new spirit, and success all the way.

In this post, i want to introduce you about Ichimatsu doll.
Hey, do you know Ichimatsu Doll? Ichimatsu doll is Japanese traditional doll.
With pale skin, black hair, black eyes, and red lips.
This doll look so Japanese.

Maybe you ever heard about Okiku. Okiku is really famous and many people knew it because the horror story about Okiku.
Yeah, Okiku is the sample of Ichimatsu doll.

I loves Ichimatsu doll. That's why i made this makeup tutorial video.
Please enjoy!


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